
Textable Coupons

Send coupons or vouchers through SMS or text messages. People love coupons and everyone reads their texts. Learn how to combine both to increase sales.

Send text message coupons

Combine our text marketing platform Smstools with our advanced Coupon Builder Platform Coupontools to bring your SMS marketing campaigns to the next level. Coupontools has all the tools you need to create world-class textable coupons including barcodes, validation mechanism, gamification, mobile payments, ...

Send text message coupons

Junte-se a mais de 10.000 clientes satisfeitos

Coca-Cola Belgica
Coca Cola Belgium
Coca-Cola Belgica
Caso: Marketing Figital com Raspadinhas para a Coca-Cola Bélgica.
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Ecco e sua gamificação em loja
A Ecco é uma varejista dinamarquesa de sapatos. Ela criou uma campanha especial de férias usando cupons digitais Roda da Sorte.
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PepsiCo & Round Table Pizza
Pepsico & Round Table Pizza
PepsiCo & Round Table Pizza
A PepsiCo impulsionou as vendas da Mesa Redonda de Pizza com cupons gamificados da Coupontools.
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Vouchers de atendimento ao cliente
As sedes da KFC no Reino Unido e na Irlanda estavam procurando digitalizar sua atual abordagem de atendimento ao cliente.
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Cupons de aniversário seguros
Mobile Guest é uma agência digital situada no Canadá. Eles fornecem mais de 100 clientes em todos os tipos de indústrias com cupons digitais. 
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Atendimento ao cliente McDonald's
O McDonald's lançou uma campanha digital de atendimento ao cliente. Coupontools teve a honra de ajudar com a campanha!
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Coupon builder to create your textable coupons

Coupon builder to create your textable coupons

Creating advanced textable coupons is fast and easy with our user-friendly WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) coupon builder. We offer a wide range of coupons: regular discount coupons, marketing games, gift cards, vouchers ... For designing the marketing campaigns, you can start from scratch or use pre-made templates.

Coupon builder to create your textable coupons

White label SMS Marketing Platform for Agencies

The Coupontools platform was built for agencies. You can easy resell the platform to your clients. Go beyond basic SMS marketing and combine SMS marketing with QR codes, Mobile Wallet Marketing, Landing Pages, Marketing Games, Mobile Payments, Retargeting, Barcodes, POS integration and much more.

White label SMS Marketing Platform for Agencies
Interactive Marketing Games

Interactive Marketing Games

Add gamification to your SMS marketing campaigns. We allow you to create your own digital marketing games like digital scratch off cards, wheel of fortune, memory games, slot machines.
You can specify the exact win chances and limit the amount of winners per prize.

Interactive Marketing Games

Collect consumer & redemption data

Through the digital coupons you can collect additional consumers data. In the statistics, you can see how many coupons were opened, claimed or validated. This data is also exportable to excel.

Collect consumer & redemption data
Setup coupon claim methods

Setup coupon claim methods

You can request a specific action from your customer in order to claim the discount.

- Complete a survey or enter personal data.
- Share the coupon on Facebook.
- Watch a video.
- Make a payment.

Setup coupon claim methods

Mobile Wallet Marketing

Combine SMS marketing with mobile wallet marketing by allowing the coupons to save them into the mobile wallet (Apple Wallet/Android Wallet).

Mobile Wallet Marketing
Add mobile payments to your SMS marketing

Add mobile payments to your SMS marketing

You can create mobile SMS vouchers or gift cards and collect payments through PayPal, Stripe or Mollie.

Usage example:
It allows you to send out an SMS mailing that links to a voucher. The recipient receives a unique link that only he or she can claim by making a purchase. We provide validation mechanism to validate the vouchers after redeeming so they can only be used once.

Add mobile payments to your SMS marketing

Coupon Redemption & Validation

We provide several validation methods to validate the coupons after redeeming.

1. Validation app for desktop, tablet or smartphone.
2. QR code, allows you to validate by scanning the QR code and enter a pincode.
3. Validation stamp tool.
4. Display barcodes, scannable by your POS system.

Coupon Redemption & Validation
Coupon POS integration

Coupon POS integration

Our coupon platform allows you to display unique barcodes for each recipient in your format of choice. This barcode is scannable by your POS-system. We also provide an API for POS integrations.

Coupon POS integration

Advanced solutions overview

- API and webhooks for integration with other platforms.
- Integration with Zapier.
- Ability to setup retargeting pixels in the coupons.
- Interactive Marketing Games.
- Mobile Wallet Marketing.

More information on the Coupontools Coupon Builder website.

Advanced solutions overview

Cupons Textable

Envie Cupons ou Vouchers através de SMS ou SMS Marketing. Teste grátis. Cupons Textable
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